Home 9 Web Content 9 Every Page of Your Website Needs a Call to Action

Every Page of Your Website Needs a Call to Action

by | Mar 5, 2014 | Web Content | 0 comments

call-to-actionWriting website content is not something you can do formulaically; there is no blueprint or outline for business owners to use in crafting their on-page content. All businesses are different, and as such, their websites need to be different, too. With that said, there are a few things that all business websites have in common—including the need for a strong, compelling call to action on every single page of the site.

Does your own business website fit this description? Do you have a strong call to action on every single page? Many business websites have a call to action on the Home and Contact pages, but nowhere else; this is a mistake, and a major missed opportunity!

What is a Call to Action?

Of course, to construct and place your call to action, you first need to know what a call to action is. In business, as in life, you need to offer some encouragement and direction if you want something to be done. Your teenage son is unlikely to take the trash out unless you ask him to, and in the same way, your website visitors are less likely to do what you want them to do unless you prod them.

That’s what the call to action is—just a quick word of direction, instructing the website reader on what you’d like them to do. It’s a simple and straightforward invitation: Call us today for a free consultation. Check out our new blog at this URL. Email us for more information. Like us on Facebook to receive more updates. Buy our product now!

What is Your Site Meant to Do

Of course, you don’t want to include all of these calls to action on your website, because the more choices you offer, the less likely the user is to take action. A good call to action is short, streamlined, and to the point. Before you place your calls to action, then, you need to think about what exactly you’re trying to accomplish with your site: Are you just trying to engage more social media followers and fans? To add to your email list? To generate leads and get your office phone ringing?

Whatever you want to do, that should be the central thrust of your calls to action—and without a call to action on every page, you’re simply less likely to get the results you’re looking for.

By the way: This is not to suggest that there can be one and only one call to action on your site. You can sprinkle secondary calls to action throughout the page—including a Facebook invitation on your About Us page, maybe—but your primary call to action does need to be on every page of the content.

Why Every Page?

Why does the call to action need to be present on every page? Our belief at Grammar Chic, Inc. is that the more consistent you are with the call to action, the more likely it is that the message will sink in and users will do what you’re asking them to do—simple as that. With that said, we will also note that you cannot guarantee that all site users are going to access your site through the Home page; some might Google or Facebook their way to a random blog entry or one of your Service pages—so don’t you want to have that strong call to action there to greet them?

Crafting a call to action is sometimes easier said than done, of course; you want it to be succinct, specific, and in line with your overall company objectives.  We addressed the call to action previously in this post; to have your company’s Web content professionally honed, please contact our team today: Visit www.grammarchic.net or call 803-831-7444.