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Boost Your Online Reputation in 5 Tiny Steps

by | Jul 26, 2017 | Content Marketing, Social Media, Web Content | 0 comments

You probably know the old saying about having a good reputation: It takes a lifetime to build one, but just an instant for it to be torn down. That to say, cultivating a positive reputation is hard work, both for individuals and for businesses.

But that’s not to say there aren’t some tiny steps you can take to boost perceptions of your brand, including online perceptions. In fact, online reputation management is something you can invest in every single day, by taking just a few very small, simple steps. Allow us to explain.

5 Ways to Fortify Your Online Reputation

Check Your Social Mentions

It takes just a moment to sign into Twitter to see if your brand has received any mentions; you can go a step further by doing a Twitter search for your brand name, and seeing what comes up. From there, you can check Facebook and any other social platforms on which you are active, and see if your company is being talked about. And if you do have some mentions, it’s generally a good idea to respond to them—answering any questions, offering thanks for positive mentions, providing customer service to those who have concerns or complaints.

Check Your Online Reviews

After you check social media, spend a minute looking at any online reviews you’ve accrued in the past day or so—again, Facebook is important, as are Google, Yelp, and any other platforms on which your company gets notices. Offer thanks for positive reviews; respond to negative ones appropriately.

Google Your Brand Name

It is always a smart idea to know what’s being said about your business, and to have a good sense of what people see when they search for you online. Hopefully you won’t run into anything unwelcome, but if you do, that’s a good reason to reach out to a digital marketing company. Also note that setting up a Google alert for your brand name can be a major time-saver.

Post Content

It doesn’t take too much time to share a helpful or informative article on social media—and again, there’s a way to maximize your efficiency, specifically by setting up an editorial calendar for a week’s or a month’s worth of posts. Remember that posting solid, actionable information, when it’s relevant to your brand, gives your company added authority and thought leadership.

Research Your Niche

Take five minutes to read the major blogs or publications that relate to your vertical. Take notes of any hot topics you need to address in future blogs or social media posts. Jot down any inspiration you have. Again, this is just about building thought leadership—and it can be pretty quick and painless!

Build Your Brand Through Content Marketing

There is much you can do to establish your brand as the brand of choice among consumers—and if you want to go beyond these simple steps, we can help. Learn more about the value of brand-enhancing content by reaching out to Grammar Chic, Inc. Connect with us at www.grammarchic.net or 803-831-7444.